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The Saint Rose Catholic School Annual Fund is vital in ensuring that Saint Rose Catholic School continues to set the standard in independent Catholic school education.  Your support is not only greatly appreciated, but necessary, since tuition alone does not meet the cost of educating a Saint Rose Catholic School Student.

The Saint Rose Catholic School Annual Fund is critical to sustaining many important and unique elements of our campus life such as Technology, Science, and Music.  It also helps us retain the very best teachers for our students.  We are profoundly grateful for the support of parents, alumni, faculty, staff, grandparents and friends who are committed to giving so generously to Saint Rose Catholic School.  Our goal is 100% participation, and participation is just as important as the size of your gift. Remember, if we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.

You may direct your contribution to the General Fund or to a specific program such as Science/Technology, Art/Music, Tuition Assistance, and Teacher Development.  Remember, we can make the difference between giving Saint Rose Catholic School students an education and giving them an extraordinary one.

Click here to make your gift online or gifts can be made by call the school office at (805) 238-0304.