Student Learning Expectations
Faithful Catholic Christians Who:
- Know God: have knowledge of the tenets of the Catholic faith and apply it to their decision-making
- Pray: value prayer in their daily lives
- Participate in Faith: actively participate in the Mass and the reception of the Sacraments
- Serve Others: serve others by sharing the faith through their actions and words
Life Long Learners Who:
- Communicate: have the ability to communicate both written and verbally
- Organize/Work: demonstrate strong organizational, study, and analytical skills
- Think/Problem Solve: are critical thinkers and problem solvers
- Do Their Best: strive to do their best and are confident in their abilities
- Value knowledge: remain open to learning new ideas and concepts
Responsible Citizens Who:
- Are Good Examples: lead by example and take personal responsibility to become good role models for their community
- Show Compassion: show compassion towards others, locally and globally, by sharing their talents and gifts
- Make Peace: resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully
- Care for God’s Creation: act as good stewards of God’s creation
- Care for Self: care for themselves both spiritually and physically